How To Make Your Dog Happy ?

Aneeza Javed
3 min readMar 3, 2022


Photo by Joe Caione on Unsplash

Do you know dogs are the most loyal companions of humans? The survey indicates 51 % of people own dogs because they make them happy. People possess them because they reduce the feeling of loneliness. But the first consideration of new dog owners is how to make their dogs delighted? What should they do?

Fortunately, there is no rocket science in giving pleasure to your dogs. Your love and some extra care can do something special for them. If you are willing to please your puppy, this article is just for you.

Let’s have a look!

Wandering With Your Dog:

Photo by Martin Dalsgaard on Unsplash

Just like a kid, your dog also wants to glimpse new things. Being in the home all the time makes your pup upset. Walking with your dog provides him a chance for socialization. Studies show appropriate socialization prevents behavioral problems in adult dogs.

Wandering exposes your dog to other animals, humans, and objects. Interaction of your pup with new surroundings during the hike makes them happy. It also builds a gracious relationship between you and your pup.

Groom Your Puppy:

Photo by Berkay Gumustekin on Unsplash

Do you think grooming just makes your dog look nice? To reveal the clue, just recall the concept of “looks good, feels good.” Grooming prevents infections as well as psychological issues in dogs. Your pup can feel a million bucks with an appropriate haircut and adequately trimmed nails.

So if you wish a happy doggy, be regular with his grooming session. It will strengthen your bond with your dog as well as make them happy and healthy.

A Delicious And Nutritious Treat For Your Pup:

Photo by James Lacy on Unsplash

How do you feel when someone gives you a surprise treat? We all feel happy! The same goes for puppies. In a survey, 44 % of pet owners agreed that treats make their pets happy.

They adore treats as they taste different from their daily meals. But be careful! Treats should not harm your dog’s health. You have to be conscious in this case. The treat must be your pup’s favorite as well as nutritious for him.

Play Fascinating Indoor Games:

Photo by Stainless Images on Unsplash

How to entertain your dog if there is heavy rain outside? You didn’t go for a walk with your dog in unpleasant weather. But also you didn’t leave your dear pup off tone. In this case, playing indoor games will come in handy.

You can play hide and seek with your dog inside your home. It will make him active and happy. Moreover, twirling some attractive toys or colored balls will cherish your canine.

Bottom Line:

Dogs give lovely company to their owners. They deserve a happy life just like any other creature on the earth. Dogs demand nothing but care and love. We try our best to formulate some beneficial ways to make your pup happy.

Practice these tactics and make your pup’s life “a happy life.” As happy as you dream of yours! After all, your pup is your playmate and devoted partner.

